
Embark on a musical journey this Christmas Eve at Bitterzoet with Amapiano Worldwide, a powerhouse collective that transcends borders with its infectious beats from the Motherland. Amapiano Worldwide is not just a name; it’s a global movement, curating and sharing the best Amapiano & Afro sounds from around the world, creating an unparalleled fusion of rhythm and celebration.


Join us on Sunday, December 24th, as Amapiano Worldwide takes the stage, promising an immersive experience that goes beyond music. From Johannesburg to Lagos, London to New York, Amapiano Worldwide unites cultures and ignites dance floors with its signature sound.


This special Christmas Eve edition at Bitterzoet is your passport to the heart of Amapiano, hosted by the visionaries behind the movement. This event marks our grand finale of the year, and we invite you to be part of this global celebration. Secure your tickets NOW for an unforgettable night of Amapiano magic, as we bid farewell to 2023 in style!